3. Cultivating Compassion: Unconscious Bias, Stigma, and Empathy in Recovery

By Pivot Categories: TRS Training
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What Will You Learn?

  • 1. Noticing Biases: Develop the habit of self-reflection to recognize unconscious biases and stereotypes that influence perceptions of individuals in recovery.
  • 2. Perception Perspective: Understanding how our perception shapes our reality and how shifting perspectives can change our attitudes and beliefs.
  • 3. Exploring Unconscious Bias: Engage in activities and discussions to uncover unconscious biases and challenge preconceived notions about addiction and recovery.
  • 4. Understanding Stigma: Examine the impact of how stigma affects individuals' personal and professional lives, hindering trust, opportunities, and access to healthcare.
  • 5. Differentiating Empathy and Sympathy: Understand the distinction between empathy and sympathy in supporting individuals in addiction and recovery, emphasizing the importance of genuine connection and understanding.
  • 6. Cultivating Compassion: Emphasize the importance of empathy, compassion, and understanding in supporting individuals on their journey to recovery, and explore strategies to create supportive and inclusive environments.

Course Content

Noticing Biases

  • Noticing Biases
  • Perception vs Perspective
  • Exploration 3.1: Perception vs Perspective
  • Follow up to Exploration 3.1: Perception Perspective


Empathy vs Sympathy

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